15 February 2012

Um, this is breakfast??

Finally crossing over the Pacific for the first time and for breakfast on the flight, I'm offered porridge or eggs.  I say porridge as the smell wafting through the plane is pretty good, like roasted chicken... until my eyes judge what is placed in front of me.  Um... wtf is that brown, jelly thing on the white soupy rice stuff with chicken??  The lady next to me tried to explain that it's "aged" egg (clearly something was lost in translation).  I'm still trying to figure out how they made the egg look like brown jello and the inside look...gross (firm purply/green/gray stuff).  When in Rome!  I try it.  Not bad, bland with a bit of lemongrass flavor, the thousand year egg is gelatinous in texture, I ate half.  Oh, and it comes with "fish floss"... that resembles nothing like floss (nor would I want my floss to taste like fish) and more like powdered fish "stuff"... I'm not really sure why they call it floss at all.  I tried fish floss on the porridge, yeah, it didn't make it taste any better.  Check this one off the list for weird Asian foods I don't like.  

...and btw, I'm sitting in a McDonald's so I can use the wi-fi, and a jazzy version of "Merry Christmas"is playing.  Another wtf moment.


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